ocean plastics
By Janine Acero
Microplastic pollution is changing ocean ecosystems
Pollution and other kinds of environmental damage cause stress to various organisms, both on land and in water. Many studies often focus their investigation on species that are negatively impacted. However, studying organisms that are seemingly immune to pollutants is equally important to better understand how these ecosystems respond to human-induced stress. One study, published in […]
By Edsel Cook
The Ocean Cleanup’s revolutionary machine, which aims to collect some 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic trash, is ready to take its first voyage
In Alameda, California, workers of the nonprofit group The Ocean Cleanup are assembling the components of a massive machine that will collect plastic trash from the ocean. An article on Fast Company states that the device will be towed to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch during the summer of 2018. The revolutionary machine is the […]
By Edsel Cook
Drums of hydrochloric acid were found dumped in the ocean, at a location with sensitive biodiversity
On the lookout for killer whales in the famous Bremer Canyon area of Western Australia, marine wildlife researcher Rebecca Wellard stumbled across an appalling sight: A trio of plastic drums used for hydrochloric acid storage, bobbing in the bio-diverse waters of the marine reserve, reported The West Australian. The drums were still intact when Wellard […]
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