natural remedies
By Edsel Cook
Certain Sudanese medicinal plants can remove heavy metals from water
Toxic heavy metals are growing more common in bodies of water, including those that serve as important sources of drinking water. To remedy this problem, Sudanese researchers investigated a trio of local medicinal plants used as water purifiers. They reported that the extracts of moringa (Moringa oleifera), bulrush (Typha latifolia) and Egyptian lemongrass (Cymbopogon proximus) […]
By Zoey Sky
Killing the cure? Deep sea habitats hold promise for human health solutions but are being decimated by pollution
According to Shirley Pomponi, a marine biotechnology expert, cancer cures could be hiding among deep-sea coral ecosystems. However, these creatures are under threat because of pollution. Pomponi said that aside from being multicolored specimens, sea sponges are “potentially lifesaving creatures, some of which could hold the complex secrets to cures for cancers and other diseases.” Pomponi, […]
By Zoey Sky
Vitamin C can neutralize chlorine in water
While there are those who rely on chlorination for clean water, not many are aware that various studies have confirmed that chlorine is a toxic chemical. Exposure to chlorine can damage the arteries and weaken the immune system. Additionally, ingesting chlorine can cause oxidative stress in the cells and destroy fatty acids that are crucial to heart […]
By Derek Henry
5 practical (and life-saving) items from the Health Ranger Store for your next hiking or camping expedition
The outdoor season is here and with that comes more outside activities that involve interacting with Mother Nature. This is almost always a good thing but in some circumstances, these situations can be rough for those used to modern day conveniences, and unless Bear Grylls is your sidekick, you may want to prepare as best […]
By Isabelle Z.
Natural pollution solutions: Moss can be used to decontaminate soil and water polluted with heavy metals like lead
The horrible situation that unfolded in Flint, Michigan, reminded many people just how serious a problem lead contamination in water can be. Not only is the presence of lead in water problematic on its own, but the current solutions for removing it and other heavy metals leave a lot to be desired. Getting lead out […]
By Ralph Flores
Your water could be causing your eczema: Hard water found to damage the protective barrier on skin
Science has found evidence that your tap water — yes, the same water you use when you take a shower — can harm you and can even lead to eczema. Experts from the King’s College London and the University of Sheffield have found that exposure of the skin to hard water (defined as water with […]
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